Thursday, November 24, 2011

Should I get paid for vacation time I did not use?

I work as a nanny and my boss just gave me a month's notice. We had agreed that I would be paid for 1 weeks vacation. Since, I have not taken that week should she have to pay me for this? Also, what would be the best way to approach this with her?|||This is why it's best to get these agreements in writing, up front. The law states that you must be paid for vacation time that has been accrued but not earned. So, for example, if the boss credits you with 1.54 hours every two weeks (40 hours/year), you should be paid for the time you have "earned" through your temrination date. Under this scenario, if you worked for 9 months, you'd be owed about 30 hours.

However, probably what your boss was thinking was more of a "use it or lose it" plan, wherein you get "credited" for 40 hours of vacation when and if you decide to take it. In this case, the vacation time is not earned, and no payout is due at the time of termination. Most plans for small employers or home service employees (such as you are) are based this way.

If your employer didn't specify, and you don't have anything to show that you were accruing vacation time (like a pay stub showing how many hours you'd earned to date), you are out of luck in terms of requesting a payout at termination. If it's any consolation, it's not uncommon for employers to provide a bonus for good service to a departing home service worker - maybe she will be generous.|||yes you should if they needed you back at work, but on the other hand you can spread out your vacation on special w/es and get pd for it and enjoy it as well|||i believe that you shouldn't be payed if you didn't take the vacation you both agreed that you would if and only if you took the vacation but you didn't so there for you shouldn't get payed for something that you didn't do.|||Yes, your vacation is part of your compensation. They should pay you for vacation time that has been earned but not used unless they told you that they have a different policy in the beginning.|||Yes you should be paid for it. How to approach her I don't my boss is my husband as a house wife if I want to talk I shut off the T.V

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