Saturday, November 19, 2011

Does my employer owe me pay if I quit while on paid vacation?

I was on paid vacation for 3 days on the 3rd day I hd to quit du to extenuating circumstances as I am moving for school and I simply cant afford 2 rents. Do they have to pay me for the 2 days I was off paid? This is in the state of Florida.|||if you were already taking the vacation time and hadnt finished it then yes they need to pay you out for your vacation time. however, the smarter move wouldve been to use up the vacation time, and THEN quit... just in case. but i believe if you quit before using your vacation time, they do not have to pay you out.|||Most employers will pay you for the hours that you worked plus any earned time off benefits. In most instances they are required to pay this as it is part of the benefits offered with their employment. Most employers put earned vacation time money in a separate account or in escrow, so the money is there already when it is called upon to be paid out.

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