Thursday, November 24, 2011

Do you get paid your vacation time after your fired?

I was recently fired from my job and was told that the company would pay me

for my vacation time which is seventy one hours. Is this true?|||This is an issue of company policy. The US has no Federal laws regarding the unused vacation time upon termination of employment. In all the jobs I have had, you would not be paid for unused vacation time is you were fired. Technically, these companies don't pay unused vacation time if you quit, but they routinely allow people to schedule remaining vacation time immediately before their resignation is effective.|||It actually depends on what state you are in as to whether it is required that they pay you your accrued vacation time. Not all states require them to pay it out to you at all. However, even if the state doesn't require it, many companies simply do as a matter of policy. Also, depending on the state you are in will determine when they are required to pay it out as well. For example, in California vacation time MUST be paid out upon termination, whether the employee quits or is fired. If the employee quits, the employer has three days to pay that person their final pay, including vacation time. If the employee is fired, the employer must hand that employee their final check right then and there!

Like I said, even if you don't live in a state that requires them to pay out your vacation time, it sounds as if that company has a policy of doing so anyway. That's a good thing! Good luck to you.|||Accrued vacation time, yes...usually within 91 days although some rules require more timely payment.

There is sometimes confusion about what "counts" as vacation time. You must earn ("accrue") the vacation time according to the written rules of your employer before the date you are terminated for it to be paid out to you.|||Only if it is written, you should call your local Labor department.|||Yes those are hours earned.|||Of course.

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