Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Should Congress continue to get a 5 week paid Vacation?

They are not on duty 24x7 like the President. When the President travels, he uses Air Force One that contains an Oval Office, where the President can still work. The Airborne Command Post also accompanies him so he can direct Military Actions from anywhere. But when Congress is on Vacation, they are on Vacation. Sure some of them attend Fund Raisers etc.|||we need to put them on permanent vacation|||Are you seriously going to tell me Obama gets as much work done on vacation or playing golf as he does in the WHite House.

The fact is Obama would rather golf, hang out with Celebrities, party at the White House, campaign, play "hoops", and appear at $35,000 a plate fund raisers than do his job in the middle of a crisis.|||It would be wonderful if we could cut them back to 5 weeks they're actually on vacation much more than that. Oops, they don't take vacations, they're on RECESS. Let Uncle Jay explain it.|||Wait--guess where obama is. He is gone too. Why hasnt he ordered them back? Would you tell your boss--no, i dont want my vacation, you can have it back|||They get 11nice job 11 paid vacation first year working.

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