Friday, December 2, 2011

If you get fired, are you still entitled to your week's paid vacation?

A friend of mine got fired today and had been at the job for over a year. She wasn't fired for anything serious, jus that it wasn't working out correctly anymore. She was told that she would get a week's paid vacation. Is she still entitled to that? She lives in California and worked for a small business.

Any help would be great, Thanks.|||It depends on whether the vacation is a "gift" from the company or "earned". A vacation is a "gift" when the company says things like you will get one week vacation per year, and there is no accounting for it on your paystub before you take it. They do not have to pay you or give you a "gift" vacation. However; if the vacation is "earned" they do have to pay you for it. This is where the company says things like you will earn 1 hour of vacation for every week worked. A paystub usually accounts for accumulated vacation or sick leave in this way.|||i believe so...|||No, I think most companies don't give you any of that if you get fired. Some of them won't even give it to you when you don't give a 2 week notice before you quit.|||Yes, if she was already told that she earned it and had it coming.|||4% of what she made in the last year. Thats vacation pay.

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