Saturday, November 19, 2011

Should I be paid for vacation if I was on maternity leave?

I was on maternity leave from March through August. But technically I was to come back in July. But I normally take my vacation in July. So I assumed that I would be paid 2 months for maternity and not paid in June. And then paid vacation pay in July. And come back to work in August. That sounds right, correct? But my job didn't pay me for my vacation. I guess they are saying that I was still on leave. But I should still get my vacation pay I think. What should I tell them?|||adding vacation time to your maternity leave is something that should be prearranged with your employer. there are no labor laws specifically outlining to use of vacation time for maternity leave so you will need to review your company's policies. if you already had the vacation time in your bank meaning you already earned it then you may be able to work something out if you employee is lenient. also you do not earn additional vacation time while on any type of leave. If you are a teacher or 10 month employee then yes you should be paid for the summer months as long as you are still on contract.

i would simply ask my employer if you could use your vacation time towards your july leave.|||It's something you'll have to work out with your human resources department.

If you didn't ask specifically for the vacation, it's unlikely that they'll just pony up without being asked. Assumptions are never wise when you're talking with number crunchers.

The FMLA only provides for unpaid leave, so you're at the mercy of your company's policies.|||they should have paid you for all of that time|||Hard to comment because I think I am in a different country to you. And all awards and entitlements are different.

But if you 'always' take July as holidays and they didn't pay you because they assumed you were on maternity leave, then you still have your annual holidays owing to you.

Speak to them, they may either pay you or let you have the time off.|||Maybe it's just a mis communication. You thought they would pay you because it's what you usually do. I would explain the situation to them and see what happens. I know I've been in a situation where they only allow the 6 weeks maternity leave and then your done. Unless you have a dr. note stating you need longer time off most companies don't accomidate. You must have a understanding employer. I wouldn't mess around with it. Go to your human resources and hash out the problems. Good Luck!

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