Thursday, November 24, 2011

Leaving job, how do I get my paid vacation I earned?

I was informed I had a month to find a job. Due to the economy they are doing away with my job. My situation is kinda different. Im working in my second year now, and I get two weeks vacation. But now that I am leaving im not sure if I will get it, and if they have to pay it. I want to ask, but afraid they will ask me to leave now, rather than give me the month grace period. Any ideas?|||Do you have an HR department? If so go talk to them. Every job I've had they always pay accrued but not taken vacation time (not sick or personal time).

If no HR ask your supervisor or payroll. Tell them you are preparing for your layoff and want know how everything will happen.|||tell them you are taking the vacation days to look for a job and see what they say|||Check with HR to see if you can get it. Some companies will pay it out while others view it as 'use it or loose it'.

Just because they gave you notice doesn't mean you don't qualify for Unemployment as well. First day you are off work you contact the employment commission in your area and file for benefits. Since you aren't quitting, you should qualify. Fact is, you can contact them now (or check the online site) and see how things look before the time comes.

Best of luck on your new job, what ever it might be.|||Do you have an employee handbook/manual?

You should and it should spell out what happens to accrued, but not used, vacation time at termination.

Don't be afraid to ask hr/your boss about your vacation time, they already feel like crap for having to do layoffs and by giving you 30 day notice they are doing the right thing.

The worst that is going to happen is that you find out that if you don't use it, you lose it. Which is what you think you have now, so no win, no lose. Or you find out you can take it to interview or with you.

Good luck in your search|||The month grace period does not have any effect on your vacation time. Unless they told you to find a new job and are paying you for a month, without you having to show up for work. That would be two weeks notice plus vacation time.

If your still working for that month they owe you for the vacation time.|||It depends on company policy, but most companies would pay you for the accrued vacation. Don't be afraid to ask. If you have an HR department, ask someone there.|||Depending on your company's vacation policy, you may or may not be paid for those hours. If you accrue time, it should be paid to you at the time of termination. If it is a "use it or lose it" plan (for example, every January 1 you receive 40 hours of vacation time), it may not carry over or accrue. In that case, you would not be eligible for a payout.

You are asking a legitimate question - "how are my accrued vacation hours paid?" If you are terminated for asking something that simple, you'd have cause to sue. You may also want to just ask for a copy of their vacation policy to see if it meets the accrual criteria described above.

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