Thursday, November 24, 2011

How do I ask if I am still getting paid over vacation?

How do I ask if I am still getting paid over vacation?

I have a salary job and am taking a 2 week vacation, how do I ask my employer if I am still getting paid? I haven't taken a real vacation since I have started working for the 2 and a half years ago.|||You should know if you are accruing PTO, vacation, sick or any other "time off with pay" benefit, just like you agreed to any other fringe benefit when you took the job..

HR can tell you how much, if any, time you have banked. If you are in the US, vacation pay is not regulated by the government, and companies don't have to pay you for your time off. Most all do in order to be competitive.|||I can't say for your company specifically, but typically you are paid the same for vacation time as you are for work time if you are a salaried employee. Being salaried means you get the same pay each pay period, regardless of hours worked, vacation, holidays, etc. You are paid for the job that you do, not the hours that you work.

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