Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is it legal to not get paid vacation and a raise after a year of employment even though they told us we would?

they told me when I started working at kmart that I would get a paid vacation and a raise after a year employment and I have been there a year and a month and they are telling me that rules have changed and I get unpaid vacation and no raise, is that legal?|||yep - sorry it is|||Yes, sounds like their policy has changed. There is no legal requirement for paid vacation, or for raises except if minimum wage goes up and you'd be below minimum if you didn't get a raise, then they'd have to raise you to minimum wage.|||You have no written job contract. Vacations are an unregulated fringe benefit and no company is ever required to provide a paid vacation (or unpaid vacation, for that matter). Raises likewise are not required, and you could work for 10 years without a raise and have no cause for complaint.

Times are tough in retail, massive layoffs are occurring, and thank your lucky stars you still have a job. Save as much money as you can, pay off any debt you have, slash your spending, and be prepared for a cutback in hours at any time -- or layoff. It is entirely possible.

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