Friday, December 2, 2011

How much paid vacation do you get?

After 5 years what would be the normal amount?|||My boss sucks! We don't get paid vacation!|||I get 2 weeks, after 5 years I think it's 3 weeks

*Cutie*|||Fifty two weeks a year would be my ideal.|||I get 4 weeks a year. This would still be the same after 5 years.|||I'm self employed. You should get 4 wks if you're full time.|||i get 8 hours every two weeks if i work 80 hours and this is the start of my 6th year in this position, 11th year with this company... after 5 years here you're up to 8 hours. the first 4 years you only get 6 and the leave is general leave to encompass sick time, vacation time, travel for training - basically any and all times your butt isnt in the office... |||The whole summer, a week thanksgiving, three weeks christmas, two weeks of sick days, and several random days thrown int here. Man I love teaching.|||25 days

Some company's do pay for more after a certain amount of years that you've worked for them. I think they're very few and far between now|||I think I earned 20 vacation days each year.

After 5 years, I think that 15 days would be normal.|||Vacation???? What's that??? If I'm not working, then I'm working. Then when I'm done with that, I go to my other job and work.

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